Worrying Times For Jaguar Land Rover

If it wasn't bad enough already that around 1,000 workers were relived of their jobs at Jaguar Land Rover within past year, now the situation gets even worse with the announcement that workers at the Castle Bromwich plant will now be put on a 3 days work per week schedule on the run up to Christmas. After Christmas, who knows what may be suggested. But the word is that the cutback in hours will not be ongoing, and should be restored once into 2019. However, nothing is 100% certain in these crazy times.

Classic jaguar car with iconic cat logo

The UK car icon has stated that with the decline in orders for diesel models, coupled with the Brexit uncertainty that the UK is going through at the moment, has forced them to re-evaluate what the future holds, and take the appropriate action, including previous job cuts for agency staff (already taken place) and hour reductions for staff  (coming into force) to ensure everything remains balanced.

If there is a no deal Brexit its possible that JLR could much more suffer serious damage, with some people in the Auto industry and government claiming it could actually force the company to have to stop production all together. Not only would that be devastating for the UK economy and Automotive industry overall, but the amount of JLR workers who would end up unemployed and having to look for a new job is very concerning.

One thing Jaguar does have in its favour, is innovation and the ability to adapt. They haven't been in business for so long (around 80 years) just out of chance. They've lasted this long and not long ago were actually thriving. Rolling with the times, they've also invested heavily into electric car technology. But due to these recent hard times, investment budgets into this area will no doubt be slashed. Let's hope they can find their way through.


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